Monthly Archives: January 2009

Oh em gee.

They are making a Toy Story 3.






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I absolutely adore this show. No matter what mood I am in when I start watching, by the end of the episode I am completely content with life. The characters are quirky, the dialogue is some of the best I have heard in a while, the pop culture references are from every genre and decade imaginable, and it never fails to put a smile on my face. Oh, and I am also in love with the lead guy. So there is that. You should be watching it. Friday nights, 10 pm, USA Network.


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You’re joining this program already in progress!!!

Ah, today. I cleaned, got things together for my dorm, cleaned some more, ate a yummy lunch, and watched Hairspray (which provided the inspiration for this lovely title). After that I did random stuff, read the latest book for my book club, and then sat down with my mom and watched an old musical- By the Light of the Silvery Moon staring the ever so talented Doris Day. Gosh I love Doris Day.

Internet, something wonderful happened yesterday. I finally convinced my sister to get a blog. I know! After all of these months I have had mine (since last April) she never started one. Well now she has. So go give her some of that internet lovin you give to me!

Also, my lovely sister just let me download her Jason Mraz CD, and oh how I love Jason Mraz. And this song. A lot. You should too.


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Book club book #4: George’s Marvelous Medicine


Book: George’s Marvelous Medicine

Author: Ronald Dahl

Number of Pages: 90

Plot, according to the back of the book:
George is alone in the house with Grandma. The most horrid, grizzly old grunion of a grandma ever. She needs someone stronger than her usual medicine to cure her grouchiness. A special grandma medicine, a remedy for everything. And George knows just what to put into it. Grandma’s in for the surprise of her life-and so is George, when he sees the results of his mixture.

Plot, in my own words:
George is a nine-year-old boy. One day George is left alone with his horrible, creepy, stinky, nasty, wench of a grandmother. Besides staying out of trouble his one responsibility is to feed the old hag her medicine. So George decides to teach her a lesson and put his own little twist on things.

Thoughts, comments, questions, concerns:
I wasn’t planning on reading this for a while, but I sort of couldn’t get into my other books. I needed something short, something made for kids, and something I could read in one sitting. I finished Marvelous Medicine in about 45 minutes.

This was one of my favorite books as a kid. I read it all the time. There are only four main characters, because with kids you have to keep it simple. There is Mr. and Mrs. Kranky, George, and the grandma. Now this grandma could give the Dursley’s a run for their money in terms of all out nastiness. I mean this woman is extremely creeeepy. Mr. and Mrs. Kranky go out of town and little George is left alone with his grandmother who immediately sets out to terrorize the kid. At one point she pulls him close and offers to “tell him secrets” and then goes on about all of the “secrets” she could tell him. I mean pure, all out, creepiness. But that is what makes the rest of the book so amazing.

You see, George is fed up with her horrible antics, so he decides to take matters into his own hands. At 11am on the dot he is to give his grandmother her medicine, something she hasn’t forgotten. Basically she is stuck in this chair and hasn’t moved in oh, something like 20 years, so anything George does she wont really know about because the old broad can’t move. So George takes the time to create a special medicine to give to his grandmother, instead of her regular stuff, which George is positive doesn’t do a thing for her. He goes into all different rooms in his house and dumps the contents of all sorts of household items in a big mixing pot. The first room hit is his parent’s bathroom. Some of the items to go into the medicine are: shampoo, shaving cream, face cream, dandruff cure, hairspray, and paraffin wax, among other things. Next is his mother’s nightstand, then on to the laundry room where he adds laundry detergent, floor polish, flea powder for dogs, and canary seed. In his father’s work shed (they live on and run a farm) he added all sorts of animal products and medicine. In the garage he found antifreeze and glossy brown paint to make the medicine brown, so grandma doesn’t get suspicious.
Well George boils all the ingredients together and, after dumping out the old medicine, he filled the bottle back up and served his grandmother her daily tablespoon of medicine. The results weren’t exactly what he was expecting.

(I’m just going to go ahead and tell the rest of the book in the next paragraph. If you don’t want to find out what happens skip to the bottom line.)

Grandma, who is already extremely thin, takes the medicine and pretty soon her insides basically catch on fire. Smoke comes out of her ears, mouth and nose. Once that calms down grandma starts to grow, something she doesn’t consider “a good thing.” Grandma grows and grows and grows and then six pages later her feet are on the living room floor and her head is sticking out the roof. Mr. and Mrs. Kranky come home and while Mrs. Kranky spends the rest of the book freaking out and being, well, cranky, Mr. Kranky tries to figure out the exact recipe to use on all of his farm animals so they can become rich.
Needless to say, they don’t figure it out. But in all of their other attempts they did stumble upon a recipe that would make people shrink. And Mr. Kranky gives it to the grandma. And she disappears. And everyone actually lives happily ever after, accepting the fact that they technically, sort-of killed someone.

Bottom line:
I absolutely love this book. And every time I read it I remember why. It is so darn funny and I love the catchy little poems and how the drawings, as simple as they are, help to set the ugliness of the grandma and the cuteness of George. Dahl is a classic, which automatically makes this an amazing book. The characters are great. Mr. Kranky is insane, Mrs. Kranky lives up to her name, George is a crazy kid who I’m assuming doesn’t have much parental supervision, and Grandma who is one of the nastiest children’s lit characters I’ve ever read. I think the funniest thing is what the medicine actually does. Like I said it made her grow, when in reality she would have dropped dead the second after she tasted the stuff. But I suppose that is just the magic of make believe. Oh how I love children’s books.

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A feeling of utter happiness and being content with life.


Why? I’ll tell you why… (what movie? anyone? no?) I just registered for my classes and I got all of the ones I wanted! Huzzah! It only took about five days to get it exactly like I wanted; but fear not! I followed the advice of the ever-so-wise Tim Gunn and MADE. IT. WORK. So here it is in all of its utter glory:

(MWF) Tools of Textual Analysis

(MWF) Contemporary Jewish- American Literature

(TR) Introduction to Linguistics

(TR) Jewish Holocaust: 1933-1945

(MTWR) French I: Elementary French

I am extremely excited about my Jewish Holocaust class and French. I didn’t think I was going to make it into French because all of the classes were full (as a transfer student I am basically last to register for classes). So I got it all nicely worked out, but I only had four classes. I needed one more, because I like to take 15-18 credit hours a semester. So I checked out all these various classes I could take, all of which were completely full or didn’t fit into my time. Boo! So it came down to me checking the seating for French ever hour. I literally mean every hour; praying to the good Lord above that I could get into it. And holy cheerios! I got the one single, lonely spot that opened up randomly at 6pm! Prayer works.

I also got my roommate and housing assignment and I am right next to all of my class buildings and the dining hall and *gasp* the library!! I am so excited! My roommate seems really nice and I am eager to move in. I am living on a coed floor which would be considered an utter sin in my previous university. I also live next door to my RA. Whose name is Keith.

I can already tell that this smester is going to be a whole new ball game, and I can’t wait.


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And I…will always love you

Things I accomplished today:

1. Got out of bed and dressed before 11 in the morning! That is a rare thing for me these days.

2. Did the dishes. I didn’t even have to be asked! Internet- look at me go! Daughter of the year!

3. Watched The Bodyguard for the first time in my life. I plan on watching it again tomorrow; that is an utterly amazing movie. (…thank you mother…)

4. Got the course descriptions for every college class I have taken so far (around 80 credit hours…30ish classes), put them all into a word document, grouped them according to the department they were in, found the matching department on the University of Delaware’s website, emailed each particular professor the matching course descriptions to be evaluated so I can receive transfer credit. A ton of work, but maybe I will be able to graduate on time…fingers crossed.

5. Ate a lot of Popsicles. But not as many as my sister.

6. Listened to a recording of Patty LuPone stop in the middle of a (Broadway) song performance of Gypsy to yell at people in the audience taking pictures…with the flash on. I mean, yes, they should obey the rules like everyone else, but if I am going to pay 90+ dollars to see you sing, then darn it all, YOU BETTER SING WITHOUT STOPPING. I mean, seriously. Can someone say DIVA??

7. Watched How I Met Your Mother!!! So freaking funny.

8. Watch John and Kate Plus Eight!!! I like shows with particularly long titles.

9. Got mad at my cat Clementine because she scratched my arm and caused me to bleed. Grrr.

10. Typed this blog.

So as you can tell, it was a pretty productive day. Oh and no worries, the book club is coming along nicely. I am making my way through the next one. I am planning on having it up by Wednesday Thursday! Friday at the latest! Go literacy!


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A list of sorts.

Once upon a time I made a list of all the DVD’s I owned. And I decided to just go with it and make a list of my top 5 favorite movies. This was a difficult task for me, seeing as I am probably one of the most indecisive people walking this planet. So here we go.

5. Love Actually/ A Lot Like Love

love_actually-comp_rgb alotlikelove1

Hmm. Remember that time I said I was “one of the most indecisive people walking this planet?” Well, with my favorite number five movie I must say that it is a tie between my two favorite “chick flicks.” Lets talk Love Actually first. I love each of the story lines and how they all connect to each other. Even though this movie revolves around Christmas there isn’t too much holiday cheer, which is good because I am usually in the mood to watch this movie any time of the year. If you have ever spent more than ten minutes talking to me you will know I quote movies A LOT in my conversations, so another reason I love this movie so much is the fact that I quote it almost every day. Seriously.

Now for A Lot Like Love. This movie is just an all around feel good chick flick. I love, love, love me some Ashton Kutcher and this is one of my favorite roles he has played. Every single time I watch it I never fail to laugh at the jokes, or cringe at the AWFUL wigs they put on Amanda Peet’s head. I just basically love this movie all around. And can I just say, speaking as a girl who knows her chick flicks, that that New Years kiss was HOT. Just saying.

4. Remember the Titans


“We will be perfect in every aspect of the game. You drop a pass, you run a mile. You miss a blocking assignment, you run a mile. You fumble the football, and I will break my foot off in your John Brown hind parts and then you will run a mile. Perfection. Let’s go to work. “

“Water is for cowards. Water makes you weak. Water is for washing blood off that uniform and you don’t get no blood on my uniform, boy you must be outside your mind! We are going to do up-downs, until Blue is no longer tired, and thirsty.”

“You take a look at her. Cause once you step on that bus you aint got your mama no more. You got your brothers on the team and you got your daddy. You know who your daddy is, doncha? Gary, if you want to play on this football team, you answer me when I ask you who is your daddy? Who’s your daddy, Gary? Who’s your daddy?”

I mean, where do I even begin? This is one of the best movies I have ever seen. I surprisingly enjoy “sports movies” (Bagger Vance, The Rookie, etc.) and this is by far my favorite. I remember watching this with one of my friends in high school and the first few times we watched it we kept the subtitles on so we could learn the lines. After about the tenth time we watched it, we could quote about 90% of the movie (with out subtitles of course). Now it has sort of become mine and my dad’s movie. He also knows a vast majority of the lines so when we watch it we force my mother out of the room because we usually say the lines about a minute before the characters say them. But I mean, this stuff is gold. Sometimes we just dive right into the quotes in the middle of a conversation. Internet, if you have never seen this movie I am commanding you to go watch it. You will thank me.

3. Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood


Oh holy cheerios this movie is utterly fantastic. First of all, let me say this movie is Southern as Southern gets. And I think that is a large part of why I love it. The other part? Ashley Judd. Ashley is one of my favorite actresses and I dare to say this is her best role to date. Although she is one of three actresses to portray the character Vivi Abbott- Walker (she plays the “younger” version- teenage to mid 30’s or so), she steals the movie. I mean, you could say her role is the most important in that it shows why the characters are the way they are, and why the mother/daughter relationship is so messed up. The emotions she brings out are simply amazing. I cry every single time I watch this, especially when she has her breakdown. The relationship between the ya-ya shows a real friendship off screen, which helps convince you they have been friends since they were little kids. Overall this is just a brilliant movie.

2. Walk the Line


Oh Johnny Cash. Thank you for living such a crazy life that Hollywood would one day turn it into a movie that I would watch all the time and just completely fall in love with. Seriously Internet, this movie is more than amazing. Once, and I am not kidding you, I watched this four times in a row, on the same day, back to back to back to back. I mean, I was cleaning and such during the third and fourth viewing, but still. I cannot grow tired of it. The acting is phenomenal and who knew Reese could belt it out? I love her accent and the fact that both she and Joaquin relatively sound like June and Johnny- enough to convince me they couldn’t have hired two better actors. Oh and how can I forget Jennifer Goodwin as the original Mrs. Cash! I mean, I know you have to do what is right for your family and all, but that girl needed to pull the stick out and relaaaax. (It’s what Frankie says to do.) Anywhore, this movie is very much an emotional roller coaster and I love every second of it. I actually just finished watching it. I can seriously watch this movie almost any time of the day. Please watch it if you haven’t and if you have, go watch it again.

1. Sleeping Beauty


Ah, yes. Sleeping Beauty. Of course this is going to be my favorite movie silly! I have only been watching it since I was… three or so. I wanted to be her; “hair of sunshine gold and lips as red as the rose.” Lets put it this way- I loved this movie so much that as a youngster I absolutely hated the Cinderella. According to my mother: every night I would put in my book on tape thing (you know, where they read it out on tape and the magical wand sound means you turn the page, so it makes you feel as though you are reading it but in actuality you are not) and listen to it over and over until my mother simply said “no more” and I would have to go to bed. We have a video of me reading this book to my mom, and you know how much I listened to this tape because 1- I can’t read yet, and 2- I make the sound of the magical wand when I finish to turn the page. At the risk of sounding completely vain, it is adorable. Once, when I was young, my brother put the tape of Sleeping Beauty in the toilet and flushed it, ruining the tape. I’m pretty sure I thought my life was over. Back in high school I would sometimes fall asleep to this movie. I have seen it so many times that I can put it on, close my eyes, and imagine line by line what is happening.  The other week I watched it for the first time in a loooong time and to my surprise I still remember 98% of the lines. What can I say? It’s a classic.


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“Seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary.”

Today my mother and I were in our basement, she looking for old videos while I was getting stuff together to take to my dorm. She brought up a small box of mine with papers and such from the past years that she thought might be interesting for me to go through. Internet, let me just say that thing was a riot. I found some of the most random things in there including, but not limited to: a story written for me on fast food napkins, a selection of the Lord of the Rings commentary written out for me by a friend who was as obsessed with the actors (read: hobbits) commentary as I was, a song written for me by a guy in my high school class, pictures of a sleep over I went to when I was in ninth grade? something like that… and lots of other little pictures and notes and funny things. As soon as I get my printer/scanner thing hooked up to my computer I will definitely be uploading these images.

Out of everything I found in my box there were two things that stuck out the most. The first was a pile of movie tickets, which is actually something I collect. I have hundreds of these things, some as far back as when Mulan was in theaters (1998 ) and I’m sure even before that. Here are some interesting ones I found tonight. 2002: Signs, The Bourne Identity, LOTR: The Two Towers, Men In Black, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, and The Santa Clause 2. 2003: LOTR: Return of the King, Chicago, Down with Love, X2: X- Men United, Holes, ELF, POTC, Bruce Almighty, Master and Commander, Radio, and The Lizzie McGuire Movie. 2004: Win A Date with Tad Hamilton, Shrek 2, Mean Girls, Secret Window, and Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen. 2005: Elizabethtown, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, Wedding Date, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Star Wars Episode 3, Phantom of the Opera, Batman Begins, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Fever Pitch, Red Eye, A Lot Like Love, The Family Stone, Cheaper by the Dozen, The Interpreter, Madagascar, Monster in Law, and Bewitched. 2006: Tristan and Isolde, Nanny McPhee, and Memoirs of a Geisha (which actually came out in 2005 but my ticket says ’06, so I am going with that).

Wasn’t that thrilling? Apparently I had no life in 2005; what can I say? I absolutely love to go to the movie theater. I do remember one particular friend from high school (my best friend at the time) who would always go to the movies with me to the point where the ticket guy knew us. But those were some of the best memories I have of high school. If anyone is ever bored and they call me up and ask me what I want to do, chances are I am going to suggest a movie.

The other thing I found in my random box that really stuck out was a stack of cards I received at my going away party in Athens Georgia. One particular card happened to be from my father, who was already in our new house in North Carolina. In it he says “Please don’t be mad at me for making you move” and that really got to me. Of course I am not mad at him, he did what he thought was best for our family. Did I want to move? Noooo. I had a really good group of friends, I loved my school, and I was involved with my Church (that I loved, loved, loved). I really loved my life. I did not want to leave my best friend. My family moved to Georgia when I was in second grade I believe, but I did not go to Prince Avenue Christian School until third grade. (We won’t talk about second grade as it was quite traumatic for me and I just don’t want to go there. I will say I hated my school so much that I am pretty sure I threw up every single day. And no, I am not exaggerating on that one.) Anywho, in third grade I moved to PACS, and I LOVED my new teacher. I honestly believe she is part of why I want to be a teacher. So in third grade I met a girl named Ashley who would soon become my best friend. I mean, we were stuck together like glue. I would always spend the night at her house because she lived out in the woods and we would ride on her family’s 4-wheeler and play crazy card games and put on skits. Lets put it this way- I was at her house so much I had my own toothbrush there. You could say her family was practically my second family, and that was definitely a big part of why I did not want to leave.

So I was looking through these cards and thinking about all the fun times I had in Georgia, from Volleyball camp with our weird leader named Sid, to singing in a Christmas play year after year, from crazy birthday parties to spending the night with Ashley and hiding from her dad so when he came home from work he would have to look for us before we got to have dinner, and so on, and I just got really sad. I loved Athens and the older I get, the more I realize just how much I miss it. We moved to North Carolina and I remember crying at lunch in my new school on the third day of class because I hated it. I didn’t like the town we were in. I didn’t like the people. It didn’t feel like home. As I got older and into the upper levels of high school, there were times it was better, but overall I couldn’t wait to get out of there. By the end of my senior year there were about three people I cared about enough to be real friends with. A lot of the kids in my class (not all, but a nice handful of them) were complete, selfish asses. But I really tried to make the most of it, and yes, to a certain degree you could say I was a “fake.” I was (hopefully) polite to everyone because I wasn’t there to make them hate me or to hate them. That’s just how it all turned out. Now that I am in college I talk to two people I graduated with, and one person who I went to school with (but she eventually graduated from somewhere else). And I am okay with that.

So sitting here tonight looking through all of these old cards and a book that everyone signed for me, I can honestly say I hold nothing against my father. He made decisions based on what would be good for us as a family. When I was younger, I remember every time we moved our family would sit down together and talk about why we were moving, where we were moving to, etc. My parents always gave us everything we could ask for, and then some. My dad works hard at his job to provide for us. My mother does her best at caring for a house and her family and seeing that we want for nothing. I have way more than I deserve to have and a large, large part of that is because of her. I am truly blessed to have a family that cares for me. A brother that will watch Charlie Bartlett, That 70’s Show, and Green Street Hooligans hundreds of times with me and never get tired of me asking to watch them “one more time.” A brother who will sit on my bed and let me go through every single book on my bookshelf and explain why I like it and give him a reason why he should read it. A sister who will surprise me every now and again by bringing me something from Starbucks when she comes home from work. A sister who, even though she is sick to the point of no voice and literally in bed all day, will come downstairs to get medicine and, seeing me on the verge of tears, will stop to help me with a few math problems for my placement exam because God knows I really, really suck at math. A father that will endure my countless text messages during horrid, boring science classes. A mother who will drive almost two hours (in the dark) to a school where she is not quite sure of the exact location, just to get books signed by my favorite author.

I know I don’t say it enough, but I really hope my family knows how much I love them. Internet, sometimes your family just needs to here it every once in a while.


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Improbablefiction: Music Edition

As I recently stated, there is not much for me to write about. I mean, honestly- I do boring chores around the house (dishes, cleaning, vacuuming- which I actually love to do so I don’t consider a chore-), I have logged in almost all of the books I own (which happens to be over 300) to my librarything account and one day in the very, very near future I will do the same with my DVD’s.

I’ve posted about television.

I have posted about movies (okay technically I only posted about one movie, Green Street Hooligans, but it is an utterly fantastic movie so whatever).

And I have posted about books. Naturally the next thing to post about would be music.

Now I should start by saying these are songs/cd’s that I enjoy listening to and there is no particular order or anything. I am just updating my itunes, which means I am taking all these cd’s I have, my sister has, and my mother has, and putting them onto my itunes.

Alive with the Glory of Love- Say Anything

I have my friend Wesley to thank for this little tune. We were heading back to the hotel trying to make curfew in France, which required a lengthy metro ride. Along the way, since we were just sitting there, we rocked out to tunes on his ipod, which is when I heard this song for the first time. I must say, I fell in love with it.

Rich Girl- Hall and Oats

Oh the 70’s. Oh Hall and Oats. Thank you for this song. And thanks to my mother and aunt for introducing it to me. In my family we often joke and refer to my aunt as a “rich bitch” (yes, she knows about this and refers to herself as one too) and it somewhat came from this song. Oh how I love to sing this.

Brandy Alexander- Feist

This is my sister’s favorite song by Feist and it is clear why. It is so simple and such a beautiful song. And I absolutely love the music video.

Say Goodbye- Chris Brown

Please don’t ask me why this is on my list. I mean, I usually don’t listen to Chris Brown or any of that type of music, but this particular song was on a soundtrack I have and it randomly came on one day and I actually kind of like it. Even if the music video is completely ridiculous.

My Father’s Gun- Elton John

This song is from the Elizabethtown soundtrack. I love this movie oh so very much, and the soundtrack is fantastic. The particular scene where this song plays is one of the most touching scenes in the whole movie. As much as I like to make fun of Orlando Bloom, he did a good job.

Red Red Wine- UB40

This has been one of my favorite songs since I was… maybe 13 or 14? Something like that. And when I say one of my favorite songs, I mean top five. Every summer my family would go down to Florida and stay with my grandparents, and my cousins and aunt and uncle would come around the same time. When we were together we always went to a Disney park and water park- Blizzard Beach. Those were some of the best times. Being in Orlando Florida, it never really snowed so the whole concept behind Blizzard Beach is that it snowed a lot, but they played beach music. As we stood in line for one of the rides I heard this song for the first time and immediately fell in love with it. I didn’t know who sang it so my cousin and I were trying to figure it out, when this very nice British man behind us tapped me on the shoulder and said “UB40” and ever since then my cousin and I will randomly shout out “UB40” in this extreme British accent. And side note: the lead singer was not AT ALL what I pictured him to look like.

Ok that was just a mixture of songs chosen completely at random that I am listening to right now. As far as whole CDs go:

Plans- Death Cab for Cutie

This is the cd I play almost every night to fall asleep to. Sometimes I have randomly woken up in the middle of the night and it will be some odd musical interlude and I will know exactly what song it is, and what song is up next. I mean I really, really, really love this cd. And for some reason if it is on shuffle it just freaks me out; I have to have it in order. You should just buy it because it is probably my favorite CD I own.

Garden State Soundtrack

Okay, first- this movie is one of my favorite movies I own, and second- the music is just as good. If you haven’t seen the movie I order you to go watch it and then buy it. And then go buy the soundtrack.

The OC Mix 6

Honestly, all of the OC Mix CDs are pretty awesome, but seeing as I don’t exactly own them all (but believe me I plan to), I’m telling you to go buy the last one first. These are all songs that played in the final season and they are exceptional. Some of my favorites are Hello Sunshine, The Ends Not Near, and Into Dust. There are also some pretty good remakes of classics I like, particularly Float On and Smile Like you Mean It.

So that pretty much wraps up the list. Yes, I left off a lot of songs I am listening to right now, and quite a few CDs you need to buy. Maybe I will do this again. Who knows… I am really bored.


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I miss England.

For the past few nights I have really been missing London. I think it started when I was watching clips from Green Street Hooligans, an utterly fantastic movie that takes place in London. If you have not seen this movie I order you to see it as soon as possible.

Basically it is about this group of guys, known as the GSE- Green Street Elite, who are really just a bunch of football “hooligans”- hence the name. (Oh and when I say football I really mean soccer but you have to remember this takes place in England and their football is our soccer.) Through an unfortunate lie told by his roommate, Elijah Wood’s character, Matt,  is kicked out of Harvard and decides to go visit his sister and her family in jolly old England which is where he meets Pete Dunham: just your average incredibly attractive, intelligent, thuggish 20 year old Cockney-speaking West Ham United obsessed guy. Oh yeah, he happens to be the leader of his particular underground GSE firm. Well the two hit it off (obviously or there would be no story line) and the rest of the movie involves a lot of fighting and drinking and fighting and singing and fighting. Which is where this post comes in.

In this one particular scene in the movie that takes place in a pub where all the guys are getting ready for the big football game, so naturally they are drinking. As I said before there is singing, and this just happens to be one of my favorite scenes in the movie. (**warning particularly to me father and mother: explicatives are used in the following clip. I repeat, explicatives are used. You have been warned.**)

Okay, before I go on to the story, can I just say that looks like A LOT of fun? I went to the occasional pub, but never did we stand on tables and sing our hearts out then celebrate our excitement by throwing beer around like it was confetti. Mmmk, so, I was in my room in London getting ready to go out and around 10pm I heard a bunch of people from the pub right down the street. Now I always kept the window open in my room because it got so hot in there, and this pub was literally about a two minute walk from my dorm, so I often heard late night drunken confessions, shouts, songs, etc. Well on this particular night I was about to leave my room when I heard a group of men start singing at the top of their lungs. I got on my bed, stuck my head out the window to get a better grasp on what they were slurring singing, and darn it all, they were singing the bubble song! I was so excited of course I joined in, though it was more of a whisper because people were walking down the sidewalk and I didn’t want to frighten them with my, uh, glorious singing.

As I have been watching various clips and movies all set in England, I have been missing it a lot. I am very excited to one day return and see what has changed and what is still there. All of the secret spots that hold so many memories I will, hopefully, never forget. I have been talking to a lot of my friends lately who are interested in studying abroad and let me just say, if you EVER get the chance, please don’t turn it down. There were things I didn’t do that I wanted, things I did that I wish I didn’t, but I learned a whole heck of a lot inside and outside of the classroom. All in all, as generic as this may sound, it was one of the greatest experieces of my life.

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